The creative
(Luza is facing the camera but looking above it, intrigued. Lively instrumental music is playing.)
Narrator: What is it, Luza? What are you looking at?
(She walks to the right to join a group of artists. We can see that she is on a stage that has a set that looks like a kitchen.)
Narrator: Hey, there’s lots of people here. It’s true that to create a show, you need a big and dedicated team, working together for months. And they’re not all performers. Some are behind the scenes: the technicians who operate the lights and sound; the costume designer who decides what the performers will wear; and so many more. Listen to their stories to earn stars.
(Luza catches a box that has been thrown into the air. A man is pulling a cable. She leans backwards to pass under it.
She walks past a woman carrying hoops, then throws the box to another woman. She leans against a piece of furniture that rolls away, making her fall on her stomach. The woman with the box disappears behind the set.
Two men appear, one carrying the other. They too disappear. Luza opens a blind and is startled by a woman behind it. She closes the blind and reopens it. This time, a man and a woman are leaning against the fake window. As that happens, a man moves the wall containing the fake window.
The man pulling the cable has finished setting it up. He climbs onto it.
Luza spots a wardrobe filled with costumes. She picks out a very strange one and holds it up to her body, as if to try it on.
She puts it back and takes huge pink feathers that she puts around her shoulders. She looks very happy.)
- But, but Luza, what is that funny costume? Ah! I understand. You want to be the star of the show!
(She heads over to a woman hula hooping on a turntable. She pushes her to try to take her place but falls.)
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