The website Circoluza: The Wonderful World of Circus Arts is designed to provide children aged 6 to 12 and their parents and teachers with tools to discover the world of the circus arts in Canada and around the globe.
We offer a Teacher’s Guide to:
- Help you plan your use of the site
- Encourage exploring its content
- Apply what students learn from visiting the site
Teacher’s Guide
Contents of the Teacher’s Guide:
- Introduction
- How to use the site
Educational activities
- Life as...: Circus artists in the past
- The circus and emotions
- Memory game
- Developing a comedy routine with a prop
- Circus terminology
- Building a big top
- Tutorials for various circus disciplines
Fact sheets
- A short history of the circus arts
- The history of circuses in Québec and across Canada
- Circus disciplines
- Glossary
Digging deeper
- How do you become an acrobat?
- Where can you see circus shows?
- Links to additional resources